Construction Progress Video & Photography Services
We pleased to offer professional video and photo-based videos of your construction project, whether in-progress, or from the ground up!...
First Wedding of The Season
We had the opportunity to photography a beautiful couple at an awesome venue on the outskirts of Madison - at the Sugarland Garden Estate...
Event Photos for Madison Symphony Orchestra
IMG teamed up with the Madison Symphony Orchestra this past weekend at the Overture Center to take post-concert reception photos for...
Exciting New Client - Redfin
We teamed up this month with a large real estate company which has offices in Wisconsin, and is based in Seattle. Redfin has worked with...
Busy Month of Photography
The month of March has been chalk-full of photography and design services for an array of clients. We've been shooting for newsletters,...
Continued Success with Glo-Pro Lures
Isthmus Media Group has been producing the marketing and advertising materials for Glo-Pro Lures, and recently had the opportunity to tag...
Photography Featured at New Cabela's Store
We're happy to have the photography of IMG owner Jonah Westrich prominently displayed at the new 86,000 sq/ft Cabela's store in Sun...
Local Firefighter Fundraiser & Cover Shoot
We were again contacted by Best Version Media to shoot a cover photo (along with general event photos) for a pancake breakfast fundraiser...